are often

in the hope
that those
who taught
you yours,

in the passing
might have learnt
a few
of their own,

but yours
were never
about them

them were just
a channel
to guide you
to yours,

your changed visions
will remain
to their eyes,

but your footsteps
will feel
on the ground,

its not
the teacher
that is ever
at fault,

its the learner
who needs
to realise

which teacher
will repeat
a lesson

for time is short
and so many more
to learn from.



19 thoughts on “l e s s o n s

  1. how wise a thing to realize…sometimes I must read you a second time again right away to believe what I have just read and know it is real…you are a special find Vidur no doubt my friend!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You brought lots of thoughts. I tutor and have taught and the happiest moments are seen in the child/person’s eyes. They leave with a spring in their step. This brings sunshine to my heart as well. I try hard to stay positive as I roll boulders up the hill. I always feel threatened they will roll back on me. 💛🎶

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Can’t disagree with that thought but it begs the enormous life question that bares no easy answers.

        Your words are edgy to me this morning so I am sure the ideas expressed, as well as my reaction, will ring in my head all day. Not sure why but that is what I need to figure out. Anyhow, great writing as always. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

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