11 thoughts on “e x i s t e n c e

      1. Yes, it is. People often complain about what they get but if we go back and analyze what was that what we wanted in details… we should be taught at school how to compose our wishes

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      2. But even if we did -we are able to wish only what we can afford to have. For ex. If one is scared of being hurt and wishes for love it comes usually in an unsatisfactory form because the wish will be somehow reduced

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      3. The one major thing that scares most is the loss of a love, reciprocated or unrequited, and though I myself may be inadept at dealing with that fear, I still incessantly find myself hoping to find love that takes me beyond that fear.

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      4. Love will never take you beyond that fear, nothing but yourself can do it. Only you can make yourself go beyond any fears. And then the world, as the mirror, will follow. Never wait for anything outside yourself to change something in you- because it never will. The world is just a mirror.

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